
Current Weather in Maranza

Today: Strong north wind

From the south, clear skies will arrive. On the border ridge, clouds will prevail. Strong or very strong northerly winds will blow in the valleys. Maximum temperatures between 0° and 10°.

Tomorrow: Sunny weather

Sunny weather with cloudless skies. Winds easing. Maximum temperatures between 1° and 6°.

Next days Weather forecasts: Variable in the north, Föhn in the south

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed

On Sunday, cloudiness will tend to increase with some snowfall in the north. On the southern sectors, precipitation will be generally absent. On Monday, another perturbation will arrive from the north. In the south, the weather will be fairly sunny with foehn in the valleys. Snowfall will persist in the north on Tuesday, while in the south the weather will be fairly sunny with windy weather. Wednesday will start out fairly sunny. Afterwards, clouds will tend to increase. Still windy weather.

© Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
